Kathy Neset, Neset Consulting, Target Bakken: Today & for Tomorrow
Toni Erhardt, ACOE, USACE Permitting Program, Mitigation Banking & Things
Kevin Sedivec, NDSU, Reclamation: Developing a Checklist for Better Communications
David Saxowsky, NDSU, Discussion of Surface Rights and Legal Issues
Erin Espeland, USDA-ARS, Cover Crops & Reclamation
Dave Toledo, USDA-ARS, Reclamation & Rangeland Health
Guy Welch, NDPSC, Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation in ND
Hannah Tomlinson, NDSU, USFS Research
Peter O’Brien, NDSU, Remediation of a Crude Oil Spill Using Thermal Desorption: Agronomic
Aaron Daigh, NDSU, In Situ Brine Spill Remediation Methods: A New Approach
Spill Investigation Program: Protecting a noisy landscape